Student Council Elections

Cale Chapman, Editor-in-Chief

It’s that time of year again! Student Council positions are up for election and need to be filled. Below is all the information needed for campaigning and getting in the race.


Student Body Officers: (Student Body President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Publicist) 

Informational Meeting: February 12th at 2:50p.m. in room 116.

Campaigning: February 26th-March 2nd

Voting: March 7th and 8th in the Learning Commons. 


Class Officers: (Class President and Vice President)

Informational Meeting: March 19th at 2:50p.m. in room 116

Campaigning: March 26th-29th

Voting: In Skyward April 2nd-6th


Pep Club Exec. Board: 

Informational Meeting: February 16th at 7:15a.m.