Shawnee Mission North School Supply Pick-up
September 21, 2020

On Tuesday. Sept. 22 from 4-6 p.m, students can go to SM North to pick their Indian Lore creative writing magazine from last year, a graphing calculator if they’ve filled out the correct forms, and/or an art kit if their art teacher has communicated that to them.
All other supplies will be picked up after arrangements with the appropriate teacher has been made.
“Supplies are being passed out depending on the classes the students took,” principal Jeremy Higgins said. “At this time no supplies are being passed out

to all students.”
Classes such as English, social studies, and science are able to adapt to the first semester being online. English Teacher Monica Morris explains that these departments are sending home textbooks upon a student’s request to their teacher for one.
“Every student gets a textbook for English each year, so I wanted to get that to students,” Morris said. “Other than that, I figured with all the uncertainty it would just be best to keep everything else online.


Some classes, such as Focus on Foods, Advanced Foods, and other fine arts classes are sending home supplies to their students in order to still complete labs and finals.
Foods teacher Nikki Cochran is sending home special supplies to both her Focus on Food and Advanced Foods class. She plans to send the supplies out after Thanksgiving.
“I will be sending home a bag of ingredients specific to a lab or few that my Focus on Foods will use to follow a given recipe for a “final lab” project,” Cochran said. “I will [also] be sending home a bag of random foods, sauces, meats, vegetables, etc. for my Advanced Foods kids to create a “master chef” themed final project where they will create a recipe, product, etc. to demonstrate learning targets.”
Cochran is not the only one sending home supplies like this. FACS teacher Melissa Batusic is also sending home supplies for her students.
Batusic is sending home supply boxes for students in each of her classes, such as Apparel 1. She is the only one who teaches these classes at North.
Students are encouraged to ask their teachers if they have a need for a textbook or if they are wondering if any supplies are being sent home.