Students learn law making process in Kansas Youth and Government event

Anna Miesner, Writer and Ad's Editor

Junior Hananeel Morinville stands at the podium in The Kansas State Capitol. “Walking into Kansas’ State Capitol was an impactful experience. We had the unique opportunity of sitting in the same chairs as the genuine House of Representatives and Senate and work and debate bills. It’s not an opportunity that should be taken lightly and I feel privileged to have been part of such an eye-opening program.” Photo taken by Glory Obi.

On Oct. 28-29 students from throughout Kansas met at the Kansas State Capitol to propose possible bills. The event is sponsored by Kansas Youth and Government and is open to any students grades 9-12 that are interested. 

Hananeel participated in the event, creating a bill with her partner, Junior Glory Oni. 

“For Glory and I, we decided we wanted to have a bill that abolished the death penalty in the state of Kansas,” She said.  “This was the longest bill at the conference and it took us several days to write because we sought outside help.” 

The bill was then thoroughly debated at the meeting. After proposing their bills student got the chance to listen to other school drafts. 

“The range of bills was very interesting,” She said. “From preserving Kansas wildlife to giving police kazoos instead of radios. I would have to say the most interesting bill was a dual combat bill. I added an amendment to this bill saying inmates with a life sentence should be allowed to participate essentially solving for mass incarceration.” 

Hananeel encourages other students should get involved in Youth and Government.

“You hear and read a significant amount on how the government does not do much,” She explained. “Youth and Government did a great example of highlighting why it takes an immense amount of time for a bill to be passed.”