BizFest 2016
February 16, 2016

BizFest is a program that offers high school students in the Kansas City metropolitan area an opportunity to compete for scholarships. This event is sponsored by the Greater Kansas City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
BizFest hosted a four day competition where over 80 students attend at Johnson County Community College. For the first three days, students learned how to create their own business plan. On the fourth day, the students presented their business plans to a panel of judges and the top six students receive scholarships.
Every student that completed BizFest is eligible to apply for scholarships to JCCC, KCKCC, Donnelly College, and the University of Saint Mary. JCCC and KCKCC are each giving away three full ride scholarships that include 64 credit hours. KCKCC is also giving away ten $1,000 scholarships per semester. Donnelly College is giving away four full ride scholarships.The University of Saint Mary scholarships vary.
Twelve students represented Shawnee Mission North in this event. Vanessa Tapia and Carlitos Hernandez received an honorable mention.