Cross country coach Aaron Davidson to become head coach of track and field program

Rilee Morrow, Sports Editor

After science teacher Jeff Roudebush stepped down as head track and field coach last year, administrators approached cross country coach Aaron Davidson to take that position.

Having experience as the head coach of cross country and formerly the track and field coach from 2014-2016, Davidson accepted their offer.

“I knew once I expressed interest that there was a good chance I would get it,” Davidson said. “I still had to fill out the application, I still had to answer some interview questions and then we told the team right before we took off for the State meet. As we were getting ready to leave the school, Mr. Glaser made the announcement. That’s when it became official.”

Sophomore javelin thrower Ethan Salvino said Davidson is very understanding of the athletes and he knows what they need to do to get better.

“I was happy because Davidson has a really good mentality about how we need to work and how we need to stay on top of things,” Salvino said. “I’ve worked harder in the weight room and outside the weight room. And I’ve stayed on top of things at school.”

Senior hurdler and cross country runner Kaleb Young was very excited as well because of how Davidson handles the cross country team.

“He made [the cross country] team really tight,” Young said. “We were all friends, there was no tension whatsoever. I just feel like he’s really dedicated to the players and the team as a whole. He really wants us to all be a family and wants us to work together.”

Young agreed with Salvino that Davidson has a positive mentality.

“He’s taught me the value of hard work,” Young said. “He’s taught me that you get what you put in and I really try to put in my most.”

Davidson said that one of his favorite things about being the track and field head coach is being able to work with athletes from lots of different sports.

“Usually it’s just distance runners or it’s always been distance runners for me,” Davidson said. “As head track coach I get to work with football, volleyball, soccer, swimming, every sport. Those kids come out and I feel like I have a bigger impact on some of the other sports and athletics in the school.”