Buffer week approaching for sports

Alyssa Grant, Contributor

There will be a buffer week for all sports from Nov. 5-10.

All athletes and coaches involved in any sports cannot condition, practice or work out in school-owned facilities or as a team.

“It’s an opportunity, called dead week as well, an opportunity for everyone to take a break from any extra curricular or sports activities and to give the coaches a break as well, in preparation for winter sports,” Athletic Director Annette Gonzales said.  

During the week of buffer week coaches can’t coach or condition athletes. Music groups can perform on a voluntary basis and staff can’t be involved. All gymnasiums must be closed during the fall buffer week.

“Buffer week is the week before winter sports tryouts,” said junior Madison Koller. “It’s important to student athletes because it gives them a week to catch up on schoolwork and get their grades up before the season starts.”

An athlete is allowed to go work out at any place off campus, though this time could be used to rest, catch up on schoolwork and get ready for the next season or sport people plan on playing.

“I’ve been a runner so I’ve heard the other flip side, that for every day you take off you lose, but your body also needs time to heal and prepare,” Gonzales said. “So I believe every student athlete needs to evaluate where they’re at and determine ‘do I need a mental break right now.’”