Spring Band Concert 2022

Final concert includes hello’s and goodbyes

For the finale, the seniors and soon-to-be freshman step up onto the stage to play the fight song. This is done annually at the end of the year to say goodbye to seniors and welcome newcomers. “I think it’s a unique opportunity to be able to do this,” said senior Adele Dummermuth. “It’s really nice to be able to welcome the new band students while we seniors depart.”

Nevaeh Dull

The 2022 spring band concert took place in the SMN auditorium on May 10 featuring several new songs from each band at North with the addition of Hocker Grove’s 7th and 8th-grade band. This is the last concert of the school year, bidding goodbye to seniors and welcoming the Hocker Grove students into the SMN building for their 2022-2023 school year.