Thanksgiving Week

SM North students share what they’ll be doing over new extended break

Zeva Rose Gebhard

With less than a month before Thanksgiving, many students can’t wait for the new week long break for the holiday. With the longer break, students are already planning on traveling for the holiday.

“I’ll be traveling to Texas visiting Irving and Fort Worth visiting with family and celebrating Thanksgiving over the extended break,” sophomore James Hunt explained.

While some students will travel over Thanksgiving, others plan to stay local.

“I usually spend the week chillaxing and hanging out with my friends and family,” junior Aya Alsaid said. Alsaid and her family put their own cultural twist on the American holiday.

“Since I’m Arab, there’s a lot of Middle Eastern food that we eat along with the turkey,” she said Alsaid will be having a small dinner gathering at her grandmother’s house.

No matter where or how they plan to spend their break, students look forward to having the entire week of Thanksgiving off.