Varsity Volleyball Trivia Night

Team gets together and has a costume themed game night in SM North’s MPR

Abby Schiller, Writer/Photographer

On Sept. 25, the varsity volleyball team had a team bonding costume “trivia night”. The three teams of three girls consisted of “the Powerpuff Girls”, “the Insects”, and “the Rockstars”.

The girls played Disney and Nickelodeon trivia, Wii games, bingo, and Pictionary. The trivia night was held at SM North’s MPR. Varsity coaches Crystal Foss and Ryan Hill were there. 

Assistant varsity coach, Hill, had coached at Hocker Grove Middle School before coming up to SMN.  

“I like to see how much they’ve grown throughout the years,” Hill said. “I’ve had some of these girls since they were 7th graders” 

Junior Rosabelle Vega said her favorite thing about volleyball was that it’s a fun thing outside a typical day. 

“I like how we’re super close as a team,” senior Kaylee Marsh said. “We bond on and off the court.”

All three teams stand posed for a group picture after the games had been finished. “It was really Abby [Rankin’s] idea to be the Powerpuff Girls,” junior Rosabelle Vega said. (photo by Abby Schiller)
Junior Brittan Lee and senior Kaylee Marsh sit at their table looking at coach Ryan Hill for their next trivia question. “We’re super close as a team,” Marsh said. “It’s easy for us to play well together.” (photo by Abby Schiller)
Varsity assistant coach Ryan Hill looks at her computer for the next trivia question for the girls. “I like the interaction with the girls,” Hill said. “And seeing how they grow over the years.” (photo by Abby Schiller)