Varsity Soccer Athlete Profile – Yahir Fernandez-Alvarez

Varsity Soccer Athlete Yahir Fernandez-Alvarez


Miguel Tapia Becerra, Staff Writer

What sport do you play? 

“I play soccer as a varsity center back.”

How long have you played? Did you start playing at a younger age or did you start here at SMN?

“I’ve been playing since the beginning of sixth grade, with a club soccer team called KCSG, which is the Kansas City Scott Gallagher Academy.”

What motivates you to keep going?

“What motivates me to do well is basically my parents who push me to keep going forward.”

Do you plan to pursue your sport as a career or play in college or both?

“No, actually, I plan to pursue a career in the medical field. I currently take one of the school districts’ signature programs of medical science. I’m currently enrolled in med-sci 1.”

Do you have a pregame ritual, something that gets you in the zone?

“Basically my pregame ritual is I like to take a pregame nap before a game as well as listening to music get me in the zone, feeling and thinking about it. One of my favorite certain artists to listen to beforehand would be J-Cole.”

What’s a goal you would like to accomplish?

“One of my biggest goals I’d like to accomplish would be a full-ride scholarship and just basically making new friends in college. Right now the plan is to stay in the state, but if I got any more scholarships I’d be out of state. I have received scholarships for colleges in the Kansas area.”