WandaVision Review

Olivia Robinson, Writer

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has captivated many for years, a series of plotlines told across more than ten years worth of several interconnected movies is unlike any other studio. Marvel’s WandaVision, however, is a special type of different that even the most die-hard MCU fans will find bold and experimental on Marvel’s part. Unique in its own way compared to other Marvel movies, WandaVision goes places you would not expect the world’s biggest film studio to explore.

Even from the very first shot of the first episode, filmed in monochrome to mimic that of a 1950s sitcom, you can tell that this is going to be different from your usual superhero cinema. While the first few episodes do start out a little slow and confusing in my opinion (especially considering I binged the whole thing, as opposed to the one episode per week format that it was originally broadcasted in), by the time you get to around the fifth or sixth episode you start to piece things together. 

Each successive episode seems to mimic the aesthetic and cinematography of shows from each decade, from the 1950s all the way to the mockumentary formats of today’s modern favorites. While it is certainly an interesting and fun concept, this is an unusual and dare I say risky choice for Marvel especially considering the importance of young audiences among its demographic. I however, think the concept plays out beautifully, with an approach that’s unique for both MCU and TV in general. There are a lot of ways an unusual type of delivery format could go wrong, so I think Marvel overall did a great job of making each episode unique while still tying them all together in a clever way that keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what will happen next.