MAP testing at home: yay or nay?

Olivia Robinson, Writer

MAP, or the Measure of Academic Progress, is a digital adaptive test that is taken by students of all grade levels. It is designed to measure students’ current knowledge based on what is expected of their grade level. 

While it does not affect grades at all, it can still be a stressful test for students because of the pressure to get a high score. This year with remote classes, students are taking the MAP tests at home, which comes with perks and challenges of its own. 

“I felt like there was a bit more pressure this year to get the MAP test done on time because it’s a lot harder to stay after class and ask questions whenever you’re doing online classes,” Freshman Scarlett Marchman said. 

While taking this important test at home can be a bit nerve-racking, it can also be used as an opportunity to learn your own way. 

“But I also kind of liked doing MAP testing at home, it’s kind of nice because I can think out loud,” Marchman said, “Usually when you’re doing the MAP test at school, it’s kind of intense because it’s so important and you have to be really quiet.”

“Overall, for me personally it went well, I thought I was gonna get lower scores than I got, so that was a nice surprise,” Marchman said, “I think it would be cool to have more MAP tests at home in the future.”

Taking the test at home can definitely help take the pressure off a bit, according to Freshman Avary Bovard.

“I definitely felt like MAP testing was a lot more relaxed, at least for me it was,” Bovard said. “It’s less stressful. You’re at home, you’re more comfortable and so you’re able to do better work.”

While testing at home can be a blessing for some, there is the possibility of students taking the level of freedom for granted. “There are always gonna be those people who use at-home testing as an excuse to cheat or use a calculator when they’re not supposed to,” Bovard said, “But for people who actually do the work and genuinely want to get a good score, I think remote testing can be really good.”