Senior Advice (Continued from May issue)


“Things will get a little hard, but that’s okay. Just remember that when everything feels hopeless that you’ll bounce back again.”- McKinley Callin, 12

“I would say shoot for what you want to do, and do it unapologetically. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone, and be outgoing. Everyone here is just trying to get through the day, and being funny and open to new things makes it all a lot better.”- Hana Smith, 12

“Do everything you can, even stuff you’ve never done before. Take nothing for granted because even the bad days are important. Cherish the memories you’ve made and enjoy making new ones.”- Megan Beal, 12

“Begin applying for colleges and scholarships in September even if you don’t know where or what you want to go/study. Work on as many scholarships as possible.”- Molly Ryan, 12

“Make the connections last, be a part of the year, and take the time to step back. Acknowledge that this is the end, and just how truly wonderful it is that your here!”- Dakota West, 12

“Stay focused. It’s so easy to lose motivation, but if you don’t stay on top of things they can pile up very quickly. Also do as much as you can this year. Don’t leave wishing you would have participated in something.”- Kiersten Preckel, 12

“Enjoy your last year. Enjoy your close relationships while you can. This year can either go fast if you live for Fridays, or it can go slow if you enjoy every day with people that you care about.”- Michael Allen, 12

“Enjoy your senior year. Take a deep breath and realize that the end-of-the-world situation in front of you is not as big a deal as what you believe. This year will come to an end, keep positive so that you don’t end it bitterly.”- Madison Cole, 12

“Get as much stuff as you can possible for first semester so you can enjoy your last semester as much as possible.”- Joseph Coddington, 12

“Don’t wait until the last second to start doing things ie applying for scholarships, colleges, applications for anything. Do everything as early as possible, get it submitted!”- Tony Le, 12

“As far as school work goes, don’t procrastinate, and always keep on top of your work, even though its the last year! Also, make sure to keep up with college and scholarship deadlines, and be aware of when those are due!”- Katie Cunningham, 12