Support your local artists

Kali Deck, Writer

When attending pep assemblies we are always updated to the point of overwhelment on the glories that our athletic teams are getting, but don’t even hear a peep about our fine arts department.

As a matter of fact, sports is the only thing EVER discussed during pep assemblies. Pep club doesn’t seem as pep about the school as they claim to be. It’s not for lack of awards being won that is causing this silence, because our students are winning impressive scholarships, being displayed in galleries, and performing/competing all over the world.

This mute response to every other honor must be due to something else then, and whether they are purposefully left out, undiscovered by pep club, or are simply forgotten, it’s still extremely rude.

Our school has a lot more than just an impressive score on the scoreboard to offer the students and community. Our students need to be aware of other glories and other possibilities that are out there for them to pursue. Not only that but our winning artists, musicians, technicians, writers, cooks, actors/actresses, etc. need to be recognized for their hard work and dedication that has awarded them so highly.

It’s ridiculous that we never hear about the victories of other fields and maybe you personally aren’t that interested, but others definitely find interest and inspiration through these other achievements. Our students have a lot of pride in the school and with their names getting associated with achievement, our school builds a better reputation.

All of our students deserve to be recognized for their successes, no matter the field, and pep club should incorporate those victories into their assemblies. No student should have their honors go unnoticed just because they aren’t the star player of the football or basketball team. Our students are growing into inspirational beings, and that is something to celebrate.