On Friday, April 20, students gathered in the Little Theater for the annual “Best of Drama Lip Sync Competitions.” The competition was viewed by a panel of judges, including senior Tucker Love, English teacher Kate Miner, Careth Palmer, and Emily Bartlett. Freshman Forrest Kinsey placed first after performing the song “Gump” by Weird Al Yankovic with fellow freshman John Michael Smith. The song is a parody of the pop culture movie Forrest Gump, based off the song “Lump” by the President of the United States of America.
“No other school does the lip syncs, and I think that’s what makes it unique,” Kinsey said. “They’re really fun to do and you don’t need to sing, so it’s a great opportunity for those that can’t.”
Sophomore Max Mayerle and junior Austin Skibbie received second place with the song “Elephant Love” from the musical Moulin Rouge. Freshman Hannah Patterson received third with “Pizza Angel” from Veggie Tales.
Kate Miner • Apr 25, 2012 at 8:38 am
This was such a great show! Kudos to the performers, the organizers, and the tech kids. So much fun!!!