The Arts Council of Johnson County Shooting Stars Program celebrates young artists and arts educators for their artistic achievements with college scholarships, awards and honorariums.
North has nominated these students for the Shooting Stars Scholarships:
Senior Joel Steelman (Voice Classic), senior Austin Skibbie (Theatre Performance), senior Kerianne Petersen (Technical Theatre), senior Julian Schempf (Literature), senior Faith Bayless (2D Art), senior Skylar Cowdry (3-D Art) and senior Malikah Sadeghi (Photo)
The Shooting Stars Program has recognized almost 1,000 high school seniors for artistic excellence and contributions to their community.
The Arts make an important contribution to any community’s quality of life and are an essential part of every student’s educational experience, teaching 21st Century workplace skills, innovation, critical thinking, collaboration, communication and self-expression.
Nine first place scholarships of $1,400 each, nine second place scholarships of $700 each and nine teacher honorariums* of $350 each will be awarded (*to the nominating teacher of the first place scholarship recipient) at the Shooting Stars Gala on April 7, 2013. Shooting Stars’ scholarships, awards and teacher honorariums are funded by private donations from corporations, foundations and individuals.