District board meeting recap Dec. 17
Superintendent Fulton gives his remarks about strategic planning during the Dec. 17 board of education meeting.
December 17, 2018
The following is a summary of the Dec. 17 SMSD Board of Education meeting.
- Adoption of agenda; approval of minutes from Nov. 26 regular and special meetings, as well as Nov. 13 and Dec. 10 board retreats
- Report by Superintendent Michael Fulton
- Roesland Elementary was named a 2018 National ESEA Distinguished School
- Christa McAuliffe Elementary was honored by the Environmental Protection Agency for composting
- SM South Associate Principal Nicholas Platko was given the Honor Administrator Award from the Northeast District of Kansas Music Educators Association
- Biomedical teacher Brenda Bott was honored by Stanford University
- Rhein Benninghoven custodian Michael Wesner and Apache Innovative School special education teacher Rebecca Dopheide were named SMSD All Stars
- Reports from Board Members
- Deb Zila attended the KSB convention and said the professional services committee is looking at hiring internal legal counsel
- Mary Sinclair said KASB voted to approve their legislative platform
- The board reviewed the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- Discussion about SMSD’s legislative platform, as well as the joint district platform with all six Johnson County school districts
- The board reviewed definitions for committees and advisory boards
- Superintendent Fulton gave a brief overview of the upcoming process for strategic planning
- Presentation on graduation rates, Measures of Academic Performance testing and Career and Technical Education
- Approval of consent agenda items
- Approval of action items, including approval of both legislative platforms and revised programs of study
- Comments from Board
- Mary Sinclair expressed gratitude for having two meetings per month instead of one
- Patty Mach congratulated Johnson County superintendents for their hard work on the issue of mental health
- Sara Goodburn said SM North will hold a public session about mental health in January
- Deb Zila wished everyone a good break
- Brad Stratton thanked his fellow board members for their work