Hello everyone,
For the past year, I’ve had the pleasure of being co-Editor-in-Chief of the Mission, alongside my friend Cale Chapman. It’s been a rollercoaster of a year, but I’m grateful to have gone through it all with the best co-editor, newspaper staff and advisor I could’ve asked for.
The Mission has been published for nearly 100 years, with a history going back as far as the school itself. In that time, many editors have passed through the journalism room doors, each leaving behind a legacy as unique as they were. From black-and-white printing to color, from eight pages to 16 to its current 24, the newspaper has transformed throughout the years, growing and improving and taking on the unique personality of each year’s editors. This year was no different.
At the beginning of the year, we made the decision to expand the number of pages from 16 to 24. This was difficult, and everyone made sacrifices to take on more pages and meet deadlines. Their efforts didn’t go unnoticed. I’m proud of the staff, and it’s been great to watch them grow over the past year.
So, as I prepare for graduation, I feel content with the state of the Mission. I know next year’s editor, Mystika Allison-Barnes, will take good care of the newspaper I’ve come to think of as my own. It’s in her hands now, and I hope the paper continues to grow and change as she puts her own unique twist on it. I’ll miss the newspaper, just like I’ll miss North and all the amazing people I’ve met here. But I feel secure in the knowledge that I’ve left my mark on the Mission, just as it’s left its mark on me.
Your editor,
Grace Altenhofen
Hey everybody!
For the last two years, I’ve had the opportunity of serving as an editor on the Mission Newspaper. I’ve learned so much by being involved in North’s journalism program and I would never trade the memories I’ve made or the lessons I’ve learned for anything.
This year we made several changes to the paper, some more difficult than others, but every time we made a change our staff rose to the challenge and met the deadline. I think we do an amazing job compared to other schools in the area. Pushing out a 24-page paper every month with a staff of only nine is no small task, and we do just as much journalism as everyone else but without at least thirty of the people they have. The Mission has evolved from the small eight page paper that was released monthly my freshman year to the 24 page paper we know now.
Throughout my four years of being a writer I’ve had the chance to work with many different people and personalities from all walks of life. Being able to interact with these individuals has given me great perspective on North and the community that surrounds it. Every second of my time on staff has truly been a gift.
I’d like to thank my wonderful co-Editor-in-Chief, Grace Altenhofen, who has kept us on track all year while upholding an incredible sense of journalistic integrity! We couldn’t have done it without you! I would also like to thank the rest of staff for their hard work and positive attitudes! I treasured every second on staff with all of you and you have all changed me for the better!
Your editor,
Cale Chapman